I don't blog much and the small amount of followers I have probably don't even check in anymore. But that's okay, I blog for me and my memory..looks like my memory is going to have some serious holes in it!
Here's a re-introduction to me. I am a stay at home Mommy to a sensitive, big hearted almost 5 year old..he will be 5 in February, how does that even happen? I also, have a 2 year old Diva, who can be the sweetest thing you ever met one minute and down right mean the next! She sure brings a lot of personality to our little family of 4.
I consider myself an amateur photographer. I study up on techniques, know the terminology but feel like I will never be one of the greats. I lack editing skills and my two little subjects aren't always the most willing participants!
But again, that's okay, like this blog I take photographs for ME, and where I may have wholes in my memory because I take such long blogging breaks, what I don't take is photo breaks! I may not pick up my big camera everyday or even snap a cell phone picture everyday but I have a least one picture (probably dozens more, but just an example) of every week of my kid's lives. They may not be the best or even print worthy but they have so much meaning to me.
So that's who I am, of course I have other interests, like reading and of course Pinterest. I started a bit back trying to try out a new recipe from Pinterest and then blogging about my experience but of course that fell through too. Maybe I will try again someday.
This year I have decided to do the 365 project, most of these photos will probably be from my cell phone, because let's be honest, that's more convenient to pick up than searching for the last place I set down my big camera. I have tried to do this for the past 2 years and never was able to commit, this year, there are several things I am committed to doing and sticking with, this year the 365 project is one of them.
What things have you committed to doing this year?
Happy 2012 Everyone!